You stand in front of the mirror, no smile in sight, wondering why you're so ugly, why your thighs are too fat, your teeth too yellow, hair to thin, too many dots all over your face. "Why's" float around in your head as tear drops fall from your eyes. You don't even realize:
You are beautiful. You are loved. You are special.
Oh but my dear girls, no matter how many times your family tells you, or your friends envy you, you won't believe it. I could shake you and yell over and over the truth, but you still wouldn't realize:
You are beautiful, You are loved. You are special.
You rely on how many boys seek your attention, which girls tell you you're pretty, and what society says, to make you feel worth something. And when those boys leave you, when those girls start making fun of you, and the media fails you, you go back to the dumps and you think:
I am ugly. I am hated. I am worthless.
My darling, you will never truly feel beautiful, loved, and special when you tell yourself over and over you're not. You will never feel beautiful, loved or special when you rely on others, and cry when they fail. Your self worth comes from within. That voice that whispers to you all your insecurities, that is who you think you are, but no:
You are beautiful. You are loved, You are special.
When you look into the mirror and see your flaws, and tears start welling up and threaten to spill down your face, look again. Smile, and tell yourself what so many other people see:
You are beautiful. You are loved. You are special.
And when that boy tells you he's done with you, when those girls laugh in your face, when society tells you you must be a size 0, you won't need to cry, or runway and hide. No, because you know now:
You are beautiful. You are loved, You are special.
With Love,