Hello there my friends,
Do you remember two years ago when I wrote a post updating you all on my life, after a super long absence? Remember how I said I needed to write more? Here I am again, writing a very similar post, with only three posts sitting in-between them. I suppose keeping up with my blog and living life was more complicated than I thought. I long to write and to be more present on this little corner of the internet. Writing truly brings me so much joy, as does interacting with each and every one of you. Plus, I love looking back at my old posts and having a tiny little scrapbook of my life.
All of that to say, I am sure I am not alone in thinking, wow. It's truly been a crazy eventful year, and not just because of COVID. Life has thrown me some curveballs, changes, and major joys. Almost all of it, though, has been unexpected. I often take time to reflect each year where I was in life the previous year, and how much everything has changed, but 2020 has possibly topped them all. Where do I even begin?

Spring 2020. I suddenly found myself with a lot of time to read, hangout with my roommate Chloe, do school, and just generally relax and take it slow as the world turned upside down. After returning from traveling to Germany and North Africa for a few weeks, we were thrown into quarantine. As an introvert and homebody, this seemed like a welcome break from the world for a little bit, but I do have to admit that after a month or so, I did find my mood becoming quite withdrawn and depressed. I'm so thankful for the many mornings spent laughing with Chloe, a bookcase full of books, plenty of time to experiment with new recipes, social-distanced walks and hikes with my family and friends, and school assignments to keep me busy and engaged.

Summer 2020. Lots of sunshine, adventures out in nature, and picnics with friends outside-which. funfact!-five minutes after the photo of my friend Demi and I picnicking was taken, two cops came speeding over and pulled a gun on a man who was 30 feet away from us. Only slightly sketchy. But one of my favorite changes that Summer brought me, was Walker. Our love story came from out of nowhere it seemed, and quickly turned serious. From friends from church, to boyfriend and girlfriend in just a few weeks, it only took a couple dates for us to figure out that this was forever. Our summer was filled with long conversations in his 4runner, walks along the water, picnics at the park with cards, and trying new things (like rock climbing). Never has there been a summer for me more filled with smiles and giggles.

September 2020. Walker and I accompanied my family on a roadtrip to Montana. We explored all over Glacier National Park, even in the intense smoke. We went on a few incredible hikes, saw some beautiful waterfalls, and got to even catch a few glimpses of some grizzly bears (though granted, from pretty far away). Afterwards, we spent some time with my brother and sister-in-law, and later visited Walker's sister, before returning home to Washington. It was such a special trip full of memories and experiences I know I will remember fondly for years. Plus, after spending hours and hours in a car together and not getting sick of one another, we returned home pretty certain that we'd be taking all of our future roadtrips together.

October-December 2020. My last quarter of junior year began to kick my butt. Balancing work, relationships, church, and university was challenging, yet I wouldn't have wanted to drop any of it. Walker and I continued to enjoy many outings together. I started a new job as a preschool teacher and suddenly found myself spending a lot of time with four and five year olds. I took an Old Testament class at a secular university, which, wow, was so interesting to hear what others believed, and, at times, proved difficult to defend my faith. Walker, Chloe and I enjoyed decorating our apartment together (we needed Walker to get to all the high places for us). And finally, the end of the year found me engaged and ready to plan a wedding in just six weeks.

February 2021. Walker and I got married, moved into our first apartment together, and began learning how to live life as a married couple. As I'm writing this, it's been almost a month since we said our vows, and time has just completely flown by. Really, this entire year has taught me just how fast life goes and how important it is to be thankful for every moment. The Lord has blessed me immensely, and I would never want to take a smidgen of it for granted.
How has your year been? What have you been learning, experiencing, facing challenges with? As I said, I am certain that I am not the only one who can attest to this being a crazy time. Let me know what kind of crazy it's been for you down below in the comments.
Talk to you soon my friends,