Tuesday, March 12, 2019

i forgot how to write.

Life gets crazy and I get lazy and next thing I know, it's been months since I've even looked at my blog.

I forgot what words are and how one can use them to create movement, change, and inspiration.
That happens when writing becomes convincing your professor to give you an A.

I forgot that writing brought me joy and discovery and release.
So much better than netflix or chocolate, am I right?

It's been awhile since I popped on over here to say hi. A lot has changed in the last few months that is exciting and new, but life has also been full of mood swings and confusion. I've been avoiding writing anything, here or on paper, because I'm afraid to face my thoughts.

it's time to face my thoughts. You ready?

I graduated with my AA-DTA, which means I'm half way done with university! This is just one more step in completing my goal of getting my BA. From there, who knows what will happen. Honestly. I'm in serious need of help in that aspect. I'm pretty sure I change my mind on what I want to study and where I want to study every five days or so. There are many factors, including money, relationships, future occupations. I'm trying to learn to remain present even when every cell of my brain is screaming to know what is ahead.

I moved half way around the world to study a different language and eat lots of food and cry about missing my dog. That's what a gap year is all about, right? It's been a huge move-being immersed in a different culture and having to be independent, but it's been so so good. I cry a lot and boy there's no way I could do this without the Lord sustaining me with joy, strength, and boldness every day, but every day He does, and I'm so glad to be here.

I'm so thankful for the people back at home. It's so easy to feel as if I'm split in half living in a different country and creating new friendships and family here, when everyone in my former (yet still current) life are back at home in the States. Despite that, I've never felt pushed away or isolated. My friends and family still continue to update me, pray for me, encourage me, and send me silly selfies. I'm so grateful for the encouraging and faithful relationships I have back at home.

I'm learning that there is never an end to my relationship with God or in the studying of His word. In fact, the more I study and confess, the more I see just how messy I am. I thought I was ready to teach people about what I know, but in reality, it's been much more like God teaching me, me crying, being confused, falling on my face, and then talking about what God has been teaching me. It's humbling and hard, and I don't think that pattern will stop anytime soon. Maybe less crying, but no promises.

Look at me! I have a huge smile on my face. Obviously I needed to jump back on here. Although I've been a bit (or very) inactive over here, I've been trying to stay somewhat active over on my instagram. It's been so encouraging to see how the Lord is working in all of your lives, and to have the continued support of the blogging community over on that platform.

I was talking to a new friend the other day about what I was passionate about, and I started talking about writing and building community, only to realize just how long it had actually been since I'd done that. I've missed my little corner of the internet. I'm not sure how active I'll be on my blog for the next couple of months, but writing is what I love. You'll see me again.

What have your thoughts been recently? How has God been working in your life in the last few months or so? Leave me a comment below and let me know how you're doing, dear.

Talk to you shortly,


© elizabeth anne. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.